August 2015 |
I hope everyone is having a productive summer so far. All I know is that is going by very quickly! As far as being productive, our garden sure has not been! This is the 1st summer that we have gopher problems! They managed to move in and eat most anything that was planted. My husband has been on pest patrol but all I envision is gophers doing the Caddy Shack dance! My machine has been quiet this summer but I have been doing lots of hand stitching. I have been loving working on the bee quilt. Also Tammy and I were in our happy place at the Sue Spargo retreat for 5 days! I am posting some pictures of our projects that she shared on her blog. If you have never tried wool applique before I hope this will inspire you just a little bit. Happy Quilting! Pam
 My silk ribbon rose garden, an embellished leaf, my empty nest, my journal tree.
 Tammy's journal tree, an embellished leaf, palestrina knot edging, woven picots and butterflies.
Reminder- Souper Sew this Friday! Call ahead so we know how many to expect.
Upcoming Classes:
Madeira Bag
 Tuesday August 18 Katie Bartz
Madeira Appliqué is an heirloom method that layers one fabric over another and attaches it using a pin stitch. This technique originated in Madeira, Portugal, and is frequently used for hems. If it is sewn by hand, it is a tedious technique. Sewing it by machine using modern notions is a breeze. We are excited to have Katie Bartz from Missoula show us how to make this adorable bag. The applique certainly gives it a little something extra. You will find that you can use madeira applique in your quilts (think borders!) and in clothing. Class fee: $30.00 Call the shop to reserve your spot and for a supply list.
Giggle and Gaggles
 Wednesday August 26 LaRee Morris
LaRee is continuing to teach from the "Six Halves Make a Whole Lot More". Giggles and Gaggles is the perfect choice for a baby quilt! With 6 half yards and a little extra for backgrounds you can make this cute quilt. The tote and pillow are made with the extra units from the quilt! Book required.
Ongoing Classes- Join at any time!
Santa's Village Block of the Month
 Saturday August 8 Pam Rose We are starting a new quilt this month! This pattern is by ThimbleCreek Quilts, and we are doing the center applique first. Join us for this whimsical Christmas quilt! Pam will give instructions on cutting and applique short cuts and techniques. Final kit includes binding. $12/month
Techniques with Toni
 Saturday August 15 Toni Peckenpaugh Bring any project that Toni has taught and she will guide you through finishing it up! Haven't taken a class from Toni yet...not a problem! She will help you get started with any of her innovative foundation piecing method patterns! Call ahead so she can have the material on hand otherwise no sign up needed--just show up between 10am & 2pm and Toni will be on hand.
Mystery Tuesday
 Tuesday August 25 Toni Peckenpuagh Join Toni for a beautiful new block of the month! She is teaching her own mystery pattern "Under the Big Sky" and/or "Desert Stars". The final quilt is a mystery! Kits include all foundation pieces and instructions. $20/month Please call to sign up so Toni knows how many to expect: 677-2730
New Summer Block of the Months!!!
 Blessed Bee 48" x 62" All queen bees are sure to love this wool applique' quilt by Wooden Spool Designsl We are using Tammy's hand dyed wool to applique on textured woven backgrounds. $20.00/month

 Always the Season 56" x 70" This is a 6 month BOM designed by Vicki Bellino from Bloom Creek. Faye Burgos has designed another wonderful fabric line using her Strip-It pre-printed stripe and beautiful coordinates. Cute feather tree! Make it as a BOM or get the complete kit and have it done for this Christmas. $22.00/month.
 Flannel BOM 57" x 73" Teresa is starting a new block of the month and we love the fabrics by Timeless Treasure. The color scheme is blues/reds/golds/greens on creamy backgrounds. This is a 6 month BOM. $18.00/month
 Happy August!
Deer Country Quilts