February 2019

Happy February! My desktop finally went out about a week and a half ago. The connection to monitor went out. It ran on Windows Vista so I knew it was a matter of time! At least I was able to get the data transferred to a new computer. I miss all the saved passwords on my accounts, especially the ones that I didn't bother to write down! I still to get the store e-mail up and going and it may not get for a couple weeks but we do have email on another computer so we aren't totally in the dark. If you try to send a message we may miss it though so it might be best to call if you have a question. We have a Maui trip planned for next week! we are leaving tomorrw!! I'm sure we will find that one week is not long enough but I'll take it anyway. It is a business meeting for my husband and he needed me to go with him ;) I hope you are staying warm enough and are working on all kinds of projects during this cold spell! Spring is around the corner!! Happy Quilting, Pam
 Valentines Tea Thursday the 14th We would like to invite you for tea, coffee, treats and a special project on Valentines Day! You can make a cute heart pincushion here in a couple of hours. The kit for the pincushion is $8.25 and we will provide thread and a bit of stuffing. You can also purchase ground walnut shells if you prefer.
Also, for a bit of extra love, pick out a Valentine at the counter to see what discount you can have off of your sale. Our Valentines will have anywhere from 15% - 30% of that is good on regular priced fabric, books, notions, and patterns!

New Block-of-the-Months for 2019
 North Stars by Elizabeth Hartman Elizabeth Hartman designs such delightful patterns and North Stars is no exception! Each block is 24" square. There are 9 adorable North American animals that create an 82" x 82" quilt. The cost each month is $25 which includes the book, sashing and binding.
 Sew Love Quilt by Heart to Hand Terry Vick made this sweet quilt using wool applique on cotton backgrounds. The finished quilt comes to 51" x 63". There are 4 rows that make up the kit and is $40 for each row. The price includes the pattern and borders (binding not included).
You can call the store to sign up for any of our block of the months. We will keep your credit card on file and charge and mail your block at the 1st of each month. You can see our other BOMs that are still available on our web site!
*CLEARANCE SALE* We still have many bolts of fabric that are on clearance however many are gone! You don't want to miss out. All the bolts of fabric with foil stars on them are now 40% off (one yard minimum)! Finish a bolt and get 50% off!
Monthly Gatherings Souper Sew- The 1st Friday of every month bring a project to work on, visit with friends, and have soup made by us. $5
2nd Saturday BOM (2/9)- We are currently working on the Dessert Sampler Quilt by Moda using their Color Cut fabric rolls. $16.50/12 months
Foundation Piecing with Toni (2/12, 16, 26)- The 2nd and last Tuesday, and the 3rd Saturday of each month. Toni is on hand to teach you her foundation pieced method and you can pick any of the projects that she has developed. It doesn't matter if you are in the middle of one of her projects or want to begin something new. It is always more fun to sew with friends!
The Gentle Art of Hand Stitching (2/21)- We meet on the 3rd Thursday of each month to work on hand projects. It is a great time to share what we have been working on! Open to all skill levels and beginners are definitely welcome!
******************************************** FYI Quiltmakers of the Tamaracks, our guild here in Seeley Lake, meets on the 3rd Wednesday and Thursday for 2 days of sewing. They would like invite anyone who is interested to join them. If you quilt, knit, rug hook, embroider, or any craft, you are welcome to join them at the Community Hall. By renting the hall for 2 days, they can leave everything set up and sew for however long they wish. Most of the time lunch is on your own. It is a good way to meet new people in our community that share a love of crafting! If you are interested you can let Kim know by contacting her at 940-367-4470 or e-mail her at ksee2@mac.com. *********************************************

Deer Country Quilts